As explained in more detail here at ChessBase, Garry Kasparov has started a new column in the magazine New In Chess. It's mostly going to be punditry, although I don't think he'll be as hard on anyone as he is on Putin in the Wall Street Journal.
NIC, expensive and elitist in all the good ways, is sort of the paper of record for the GM set. (I remember being quite delighted when Peter Svidler mentioned my name in NIC right after I started out writing at TWIC. Unbeknownst to Peter I was totally unknown, and wanting to appear in the know he wrote as if everyone knew who I was. I'm sure 98% of NIC's readers thought, "who?!") Many amateur readers of NIC probably don't spend much time with the analysis, but the interviews and tourney reports and columns are more than enough for many subscribers. It's well worth the price.
Kasparov has written most entertainingly when he has dropped the pompous "this is how the champion should talk" tone and shown his humorous side. I've worked on countless writing projects with him and he's gotten quite good, even in English. Anyway, I hope he lets his remaining hair down and has fun with it, which will make these columns a good read. The first one, out this week, covers Linares. He discusses his favorite games, various scandals, and, most importantly, who will get his hotel room now that he's gone!
Is the access paid?
I just started getting NIC and I now have three issues to read and re-read. Even if you don't play out all the games and analyses, you can just read the GM's comments on what he was thinking at the time which in itself is often quite enlightening and interesting. I know I will be renewing my subscription next year.
Simply the best chess magazine around. I have all issues since #0 (1984).
The best magazine with the world's strongest chess writers. Dirk Jan and Hans Ree are positively dreamy. DJ's Robert Huebner interview from '96 ranks with the best from Playboy and Paris Review over the decades.
It's a shame that NIC won't get away from the silly openings classification system that they use and join the rest of the world in the ECO code. I'd be a sold subscriber if it weren't for that.
Excellent magazine, I already have two issues. It is true that you can get the games faster from the internet, but games without analysis are not very instructive. And NIC provides us first rate analysis, from top players. Good to have Kasparov in, and I would like to suggest also a column with past masters on their best.
This is very nice and interesting. Garry is a good writer with a lot of things to say, and thus i've always enjoyed his MGP series (not that i always agree with him but that is a good thing) and now he will also have a chance to talk about more recent things in the chessworld. Pushed me over the edge.
One blow to the head and Kaspy is back to chess :)
It was a nice, brief article! And it was pleasantly semi-formal, conversational. It showed feelings without being arrogant or sappy. Very well-done, I look forward to more from the Greatest!