They aren't too impressive yet, but they'll build up into a fun and useful way to perform quick searches. Each entry will have 1-5 tags listed underneath. You can click the tags to see a list of all the entries with that tag. It's less both more and less accurate than using the standard keyword search. For example, if you're looking for items about Dortmund and you use the regular search you'd also get items that just mentioned it in passing – e.g. "performed better here than in Dortmund." Of course it's somewhat subjective. I'm not going to add a tag for every player mentioned or every player in the event.
Having seen them used on various other sites I'm going to use loads of them and some will be goofy. Don't panic. The results page has a list of all the tags used on the site. (Obviously very sparse right now.) I'm not sure when I'll have the time and willpower to go back and tag 965 old entries. Maybe some snowy day. I've also cleaned up the search results page. Just a few more templates to go.
Stupid joke, but..... is all that just to tell us that you are near the 1000th entry?