Greengard's ChessNinja.com

December 2006 Archives

Adios 2006!

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Farewell 2006 with year in review.

Magic Moro Wins Pamplona

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Morozevich dominates Pamplona with 7/8 score.

Burn the Tapes

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ABC Topalov interview veracity confirmed

Chess Records & Trivia

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Chess records, trivia, and more. Whatcha know?

Pamplona 2006

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Pamplona begins with Morozevich and Shirov in action.

Holiday Hussle

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Topalov denies Kramnik cheating allegations? Bessel Kok signs on with FIDE.

Kirsan on WCh, Comps

| Permalink | 93 comments
Ilyumzhinov interview on WCh format, Kramnik, and more.

Feel the Chess

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Current and upcoming events with links.

Alekseev Russian Champion

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Alekseev beats Jakovenko in tiebreaks to win superfinal.

Topalov's ABCs of Elista

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Detailed interview with Veselin Topalov on his beliefs on Kramnik's cheating in Elista.
ChessPro publishes a proposal from Topalov for a March/April rematch with Kramnik.

Kramnik Will Play Mexico

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ChessPro reports Kramnik has confirmed his participation in the 2007 Mexico City world championship tournament.

2006 Russian Superfinal

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Jakovenko leads after eight of eleven rounds.

Kamsky Writes to FIDE

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Gata Kamsky strongly protests FIDE's new WCh proposal.

Karpov in Brazil

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Karpov simuls, appearances and comments in Brazil.

New FIDE WCh Cycle Proposal

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FIDE announces a proposal for a new world championship cycle that would end with a long match.

Vacation Sunset

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Heading back from vacation in the Bahamas.

Kramnik-Fritz g5-6

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After another draw Kramnik has only Tuesday's game 6 to level the score.

Chess, What's Chess?

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On vacation in the Bahamas. No chess for me, thanks.

Kramnik-Fritz 06 g4

| Permalink | 128 comments
Deep Fritz has white and a 2-1 lead going into today's game.

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