Sorry for the redundancy, but this is where I'll list the names of all those who have donated. I'll spruce it up tonight but I just wanted to get it going. To answer a few questions and provide more details, this money is going to go directly from me to the players. The USCF is not involved. If you don't want the name on your PayPal account to be used as is on this sponsors list, send me an email with how you'd like it to read. Feel free to let me know where you are from, what you do, anything you'd like to include. You can dedicate your donation. You can also include a link or a sentence or two next to your name. If you don't want to use PayPal you can send me a check. Email me first.
The 2007 US Ch Brilliancy Prize Sponsor List
Name |
Notes and Dedications |
![]() |
Greg Koster | 20 |
Timothy Newman | 25 |
BionicLime | 5 |
Howard Goldowsky | 25 |
Author of Engaging Pieces: Interviews and Prose for the Chess Fan coming out June 19 | |
Russell (Rusty) Miller | 50 |
Out & About - Photojournalist -- | |
Matt Phelps | 50 |
Nikita Lukish | 20 |
Mark Luna | 40 |
Joshua Lilly | 25 |
Gerard Snitselaar | 20 |
Yuri Kleyner | 20 |
Kerry Hubers | 25 |
John Henderson | 50 |
The Henderson One! Producer at the ICC and a man who knows his Scotch. | |
Dimitar Bojantchev | 100 |
Patrick Harley | 6 |
David Steer | 20 |
Janet Newton | 25 |
Warren Lewis | 25 |
Peter Schilling | 50 |
Ryan Richardson | 1 |
Chris Farmer | 6 |
"To Mimi, a wonderful person." | |
Guanyao Cheng | 50 |
Gennadiy Geyler | 20 |
Rade Milovanovic | 20 |
K Varadadesikan | 25 |
Tim Lewis | 50 |
Anna Hahn | 100 |
Paul V Allen | 25 |
GM Anonymous | 100 |
Ganesan Sundaresan | 30 |
Richard Van Riper | 25 |
Todd Reynolds | 5 |
John O'Brien | 100 |
William Mount | 50 |
Karl Irons | 92 |
William Simmons | 30 |
In memory of Aleks "Wojo" Wojtkiewicz (1963-2006) | |
Don Aldrich | 25 |
Abolaji Ogunshola | 10 |
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(+ 500) |
![]() | will match your donations up to $500! (Achieved! So matching is over.) So if you guys come up with $500 that will be $1000 for prizes. (If you guys totally wimp out I'll still put up a few hundred for a prize. But I have faith in you for some reason.) IMs John Donaldson and John Watson have agree to help out both as auditors of the donations and judges. I'll list the names of everyone who contributed here in the Dirt and I'm sure there will be recognition in Stillwater at the Championship. You don't need to already have a PayPal account. Just a credit card will also work. It's fast and secure. Click the above flag button to donate now!
Just chipped in 20. Looks like you're on the hook for the full 500 now, Mig.
I think this is a great idea. Do you think it would it fly for other championships as well...say the Canadian Closed? I would certainly be willing to contribute an equal amount to support Canuck talent, and you have many loyal Canadian readers...
I appreciate that your loyalties are to your own championship, so I wouldn't expect a dollar-for-dollar contribution from CN. But if you chipped in, oh, like 50 USD at the start to get the ball rolling? Might be a good investment for CN from an advertising standpoint.
Just a thought.
I agree this is a great idea. I read your blog all the time although I don't post - this is my first. You have a lot of fans, Mig, who read without ever posting a word. If most of your fans would/could contribute whatever is within their means to do so, there would be a LOT of money added to the 2007 USCF Chess Championship for the "brilliancy prizes." I only ask that the same consideration be shown for the Women's Championship that is scheduled for July, 2007 :)
You guys all rock. But we knew that. Yah, too many bureaucrats either are unaware of the grassroots/netroots or are made nervous by the open nature. They think one sponsor is easier to deal with than one thousand. Silly.
Okay, matching is over but donations continue of course. With so much, maybe it makes sense to split the prize into two or three, on a 60/30/10 ratio for example. Or keep it all in one big prize?
I dunno, Janet. We'd have to call it the "women's brilliancy prize" and only offer half the money to keep it in line with the prize fund... Around these parts you'd probably raise a lot more with a "win a date with the champion" at that one.
Hi Mig,
Congratulations to everyone who contributed to the Brilliancy Prize Fund, and to you for thinking of it and "putting your money where your mouth is." I'm the players who ultimately receive the awards will be very pleased and grateful for both the recognition from fans and the extra funds :)
Yesterday I mailed off a check for $300 to the USCF for the "Goddesschess Brilliancy Prize" for the upcoming Women's Championship. It's not a patch on the funds you raised here, but I hope/believe it will be appreciated by whatever chess femme earns the prize through her play. I know we chess femmes can count on you for a post or two's worth of attention for the U.S. Women's Championship when it's held in July.