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Kasparov on Dutch TV

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Sent in by Oscar:

Dutch TV broadcasted an interview with Kasparov yesterday. It can be seen here.

And then, all at the bottom of the page, you have to click "bekijk uitzending".

The program lasts 90 minutes. We get to see some favorite movie clips from Kasparov, he even comments the soccer game Brazil-Italy from 1982 when watching it.

The beginning of the program is with some short clips, a voice over in Dutch, but after a few minutes we get to see the former chess player himself. A lot of politics, less chess, but that is his life nowadays. When asked why he doesn't leave Russia (it is dangerous there) for e.g. London, he is very surprised. "But why? This is my country!" and makes clear he wants to do something positive for his country, besides playing chess.

In March they will broadcast a documentary showing "Kasparov on the road" doing politics. A short preview can be seen after the program above. Unfortunately there are only Dutch translations of the Russian voices, but even without knowing the language you get the gist, I presume. The poor man has no easy life at all.

I was in touch with the producers when they were preparing this show for the movie clips and other things mentioned in How Life Imitates Chess that could provide TV appeal. The Brazil-Italy game is used in the book (originally in business speeches) to compare a clash of styles, in this case jogo bonito versus catenaccio, with parallels to Garry's early losses to Petrosian's defensive mastery.


Brazil-Italy 1982, what game, Italy won 3 to 2 against Brazil's dream team. Paolo Rossi scored 3 goals for Italy in that fateful game. Italy scored first then Brasil tied. Italy scored again to lead 2 to 1 but Brazil tied again. Brazil needed only a tie to qualify to the semi final but would not play defensive soccer (pretty much like a chess player like Topalov who always plays attacking chess). Eventually Italy scored 3 to 2 winning the game and then the World Cup. A sad day for Brazilian soccer fans.

Also memorable in the Dutch TV interview is the moment host Joris Luyendijk says Kasparov is so totally present. As playing a game on the board. Kasparov reacts nicely and admits his temperament was responsible for faults in his life. I immediately thought how Bessel Kok and Jan Timman would react on or against that.

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