Still one blitz spot left in Kasparov's exhibition in Naples, Florida, on Thursday! One competitor, an FM no less, is coming all the way from Montreal for two blitz games against Kasparov he'll be able to tell his grandchildren about. The event takes place at the spectacular Collier Automotive Museum, which is usually closed to the public. For more info and to contact the organizers, see the full invitation on ChessBase here.
dang those prices are insane $1k for a 10 board 2000rating capped simul?!
So the FM is under 2000??? no way
Well, it's a fundraiser. For the Revere America foundation, a "non-partisan" organization--presided over by Republican George Pataki, and campaigning for the repeal of health care form. Like I said, non-partisan.
Wow. Kasparov turns his political ambitions to taking healthcare away from self-employed Americans. A group that includes Mig, if I'm not mistaken. (And me.)
Kasparov himself - doesn't he need health insurance? Does he know what he's doing?
I don't believe in the slightest that Garry is sympathetic with Republican causes (excepting Eisenhower repubs, I hate those people), so I suspect either ignorance or an end-around we're not aware of.
I believe I read about Kasparov saying he supports Democrats on Social issues and Republicans on Fiscal issues.
I might be confusing him with someone else :)
Wow. Hard to believe Garry would lend his name to such a cause. Can't just be ignorance: some combination of greed and ego is more likely. My respect for GK just declined significantly.
The simul is capped at 2000. The blitz is not capped. If you read the article, the FM is signed up for blitz. They are hoping some GM signs up for the blitz.
Great - Kasparov has aligned himself with the teabaggers. So I'm going to embrace the free market and never purchase a book by him again.
Kasparov grew up in the USSR. He understands better than most that the problem with socialism is that sooner or later you run out of other people's money.
Setting the record straight:
American Republicans, esp. now, are the prototyical "ugly americans." They are the ones who's secret motto is 'damn the rest of world; how much $$ can I cram into my bank account and/or spend before I die.'
Of course, that ilk exists in all countries of the world -- just that Americans were more conspicuous last century.
Oh, and they do NOT have a lock on fiscal conservatism. There are a lot of American Democrats who share that - Howard Dean is an excellent example. I believe that Garry knows all of the above. He remembers everything he reads, and he reads a lot, doesn't he Mig?
"damn the rest of world; how much $$ can I cram into my FOREIGN bank account and/or spend before I die."
There, fixed it for you.
Right, thanks for the update, Bob.
Wonderful discussion point, kenh!
Paraphrase: "All Republicans are evil bad guys. I mean, really bad. 'Nuff said. Case closed. No need for any other thought or discussion. No, wait! One other case you're wondering, the GOP doesn't have a monopoly on good ideas, so you really don't have to associate with such a force of pure, filthy evil incarnate."
Uff da, you're one to talk, thinking you can mention the word "socialism" and that ends the discussion.
Give me one good thing about Republicans (be they American or whatever name they go by in any country) that I can hang on. Just one.
What ever have they done in the past 50 years that was good for the U.S.; not just good for themselves?
Who cleaned up the air and the water around here? It sure as hell wasn't Republican types. No, that interferes with profit-taking.
Lucky for them, a lot of brainwashed poor people vote that way, against their own self-interest. Why? Search me. Pure evil? Not quite --------- but close.
You're unwittingly quite funny, kenh.
shams: "Uff da, you're one to talk, thinking you can mention the word 'socialism' and that ends the discussion." that what I think?
C'mon, dude! It's a friggin' invitation to discuss the issue but as is so common on the left, the invitation is declined and the discussion turns to ad hominems. Very tedious.
Is the Obama health care plan even socialist? I don't think so. More like an unholy fascist alliance between huge corporations and the State. The gov't forces people to buy products from it's crony capitalist corporations and tells them which products are acceptable (i.e., expensive enough to ensure mega-profits for corporate medicine) and which are not. The result will likely be increased costs, reduced access (via rationing), more Big Brother gov't intrusiveness in private lives, and reduced quality. The step after the plan fails will be socialized medicine. Some on the left have been promising this from the beginning.
Uff Da, if you want help throwing a spanner into the works of the corporate juggernaut (especially after the recent court ruling favoring corporations in elections), please call me.
I'm with ya there!
And by the way, 80% or more of the left thinks that the health care revision, such as it is, is pretty much useless.
We wanted single-payer. The Pres's back-room deal with Pharma beforehand pissed us all off royally.
Yep. The left doesn't like Obamacare. The right doesn't like Obamacare. Let's repeal it, like the majority of Americans would prefer. Republican George Pataki is working on a great project, and Kaspy is pitching in.
Uff da, in what world is that soundbite an invitation to discussion? Though, it must be noted that you redeemed yourself.
"Revere America is a non-partisan organization dedicated to advancing common sense public policies rooted in our traditions of freedom and free markets. Revere America Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization."
Really. How about the truth:
Revere America is a very partisan organization dedicated to advancing our sense of how public policies should work for us -- and as we'd like to believe are rooted in our own tradition of capitalistic freedom (to pollute, and now to threaten the future with even more nuclear power plants) and completely unfettered markets. Revere America Foundation is a 501(c)3 organization, because we pulled it off. We're actively looking for proxy offshore opportunities in a developing country near you.
Maybe Garik will be such successful in raising enough money that these groups can proceed with their agenda and not only roll back healthcare but can raise the big fence to keep immigrants with extreme opinions coming from strange countries no true American ever heard out of the country. This would at least reduce similar activities in the future ;-)
Hah! Yes, George Pataki's Greek ancestors were likely also right-wing nut jobs!
Redeemed myself? Bizarre comment...For what sin do I need redemption?
It always astounds me how nastily judgmental comments from the left tend to be and how quick and relentless the juvenile name-calling is. In this short thread alone: teabagger, right-wing nut job, (almost) pure evil, greedy, ignorant, I hate "those people", ugly Americans. Everything ad hominem.
One more time, Uff Da, tell me one good thing that Republicans have accomplished in the past fifty years... Opened China? That's surely a mixed blessing.
Anyway, let loose. It would be great if it was something that didn't make them a ton of money.
"No player who has ever held a Rating of 2000 or more is permitted." I am greatly amused by the fact that I am too strong to play Garry (not that I could afford to anyway).
Looks like almost total beginners were playing in the simultaneous. What a waste of GK's talents and of those individuals' monies.
This is absolutely disgusting. Kasparov is dead to me. I will never purchase another thing associated with his name. This foundation is a far-right-wing front for millionaires trying to evade the responsibilities of American citizenship by harming the weakest among us. How can he oppose Putin and support people in America that are the same?
This is absolutely disgusting. Kasparov is dead to me. I will never purchase another thing associated with his name. This foundation is a far-right-wing front for millionaires trying to evade the responsibilities of American citizenship by harming the weakest among us. How can he oppose Putin and support people in America that are the same?
Yup. FAR right-wing. Run by a moderate Republican two-term governor of one of the most liberal states in the country working on a project that the majority of Americans agree with (namely, the repeal of Obamacare). Terrible. Just terrible. Evil. By all means let's not associate with anyone who associates with anyone in that horrific organization that wants to turn the clock back a whole year and go in a different direction. Anyone who disagrees with me is far-right and wants to kill babies--just look! They want to cut taxpayer funding of abortion! Those nasty republicans are skeptical of gov't power and Big Brother--they are stinking totalitarians! Just like Putin! Just like Winston Smith!
For all that sarcasm, you've failed to answer my question above, Uff Da. And that tells its own story. The party of no, and otherwise in the way of progress that could benefit folks. But, hey, I don't want you to think I'm naive. I'm not a big fan of any politician. They're too desperate for campaign money.
But (note to Garry), it's pretty clear that Republican causes are those that provide some monetary benefit -- to Republicans. Healthcare? Like they're gonna come up with something that Pharma doesn't like?? Please. Nothing anti-corporate.
Otherwise, the Republican mantra is 'every man for himself,' and boy are they fearful that someone might take it all away any day. Hence the fear of the government and the gated communities full of, yep, Republicans.
Your non ad hominem attack for today, Uff Da.
Mig ---
The title of this entry is ironic, because it was our last chance to stop Garry from doing something not just stupid, but also an action against his own known progressive outlook of the world, unless he's suddenly modifed that in the past two years.
I hope he eventually realizes his blunder.
OK, kenh, you sucked me in. Call me anything you like (and I'm sure you have some juicy insults and quick, nasty judgments about me), but here goes.
After controlling for economics, Republicans give more to charity, spend more time volunteering in the community, are less likely to use/abuse illegal drugs, and are less likely to be in jail than Democrats. They tend to be happier and less fixated on money and material conditions and sleep better at night.
Some of the most Evil Republicans in lefty eyes? Jesse Helms adopted an orphan with cerebral palsy after the kid said he wanted a family for Christmas. Michelle Bachman cared for 23 foster kids. Sarah Palin shares a tremendous amount of love on her Down's syndrome baby, while a huge fraction of libs in her shoes would have quietly killed the kid before he was even born.
It's easy for Liberals to be "generous" with other people's money, but almost none of those who are so quick to condemn the character and motivations of Republicans would come even close to expressing that degree of real, direct compassion in their daily lives.
Maybe you'd do well to think for a minute about what they are really thinking instead of just assuming they are evil in everything they do. . . . . On second thought, that'd be too hard. It's easy to just demonize and avoid discussion of real issues.
I'll take the easy route because I've already discussed the real issues.
But to directly address what you said:
One has to wonder if Mr. Helms was feeling a little guilty about some of the colored folk he let fall under the "bus" earlier in his life.
Sorry, but I'm not buying into the anti-abortion sob stories of the truly strange or suspect: Bachman, Helms, and Palin. Wow. There's a trio who belong to each other (leave the rest of us alone).
Surely there are better, no-Fox-news type characters who have done some good in the world, and aren't that odd.
Gosh, Mehmet Oz is supposed to be Republican - by birth anyway. Maybe he's not anti-abortion enough.
Question: why do anti-abortionists give up on young people as soon as they're like, draft age? 'Send 'em off to war! We need cheap oil!'
On the Left, it's "I love humanity; it's people I can't stand."
On the Right, it's "I love people; but 'The People' is a dehumanizing fiction."
The real life compassion of the three "villains" -- Palin, Bachman, and Helms -- is far beyond anything you will ever demonstrate with your sharp, bigoted stereotyping and prejudice against people who disagree with you. I was holding out some hope that you would be able to see people as human beings rather than cardboard caricatures: "GOP evil. Progressive Good. GOP evil. Progressive Good." No such luck.
The Right: care way too much about what goes on in the bedrooms of the nation. Demand women not get abortions but after the kid is born complain about welfare moms and the stupid choices they make.
The Left: never saw a government program that they didn't want everyone to contribute to, by implied force if necessary. No person does anything stupid, it's all evil corporations and luck.
Both sides make me wanna puke.
Have a nice day.
Actually, it was under the Nixon administration that the EPA was created. That was *only* 40 years ago. But the GOP policies on the environment have been disasterous ever since. Most of the Republican party policies are not only poison for the country as a whole, they also are bad for the average (non-millionaire) Republican voter.
Helms, Bachman, and Palin are horrible people. I'm sure that many evil folks have shown some elements of compassion and generosity, yet which doesn't begin to make up for the evil that they've done.
Many Southern bigots like Helms were pillars of their communities at the same time they were unleashing the hounds on African Americans. And the crackpot Teaparty contingent like Palin or Bachman may well be devoted to family life (though I don't think that either has done a good job raising the children under their charge), but the same might be said of a Mafiosa Don, who dotes on his Grandkids, and attends weekly mass, and donates to the Church, and distributes free Turkeys on the holidays
Horrible people? Again, Left screams "Evil people!" when they disagree with someone politically, while Right screams, "Stupid policy!"
Fifty, sixty years ago, Helms was indeed a southern bigot, much like liberal icons Al Gore Sr., William Fulbright, etc., but surely not as virulent as Robert Byrd.
Decisions, should we treat dissenters? I know some want to kill them, but that's a little extreme. Should we jail them because they are horrible, evil people (after all, they are skeptical of Big Brother)? Or should we just silence them?
Not to excuse exactly, but Byrd dissavowed how he came up, and made up for it. Helms was never sorry about anything, and he indicated that at his 100th or whatever birthday party.
Perhaps your memory reflects what you would like to believe.
And there certainly is some truth to what centrist and DOug said.
I don't agree with some of the elements of the Left, but in a right-wing world, I would have to live near scores of gated communities sporting slumlords, CEOs who make 250 times what their serfs make and are proud of it (couldn't spend it all to save their lives, of course), trust-fund babies, and others who think that because they have more money, they're better people than the rest.
I don't wish for equality for all - that's a pipe dream anyway, but I don't want where we're headed here in the U.S., with 1 or 2% of the population holding a huge percentage of the wealth.
That is not good.
...or we could nightmare picture of a left-wing utopia: increase the power of the state-run media (NPR, PBS), shut down dissenting voices (Fox News and Rush Limbaugh), get the evil scum off the streets (Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachman, Jesse Helms), insert Big Brother into every aspect of people's personal lives and decisions (no incandescent bulbs, no toys in Happy Meals, state-mandated diet because we can't let parents decide what to feed their own kids [Michelle Obama], we can't let people drive SUVs [Barack Obama], no gates on communities), confiscate the wealth and property of the most productive people and give it out like candy to political allies to buy votes, etc.
The Right is leery of giving the gov't more and more power over people. The Left is leery of people acting outside their control (e.g., living in gated communities, deciding how to spend their own money, broadcasting ideas they disagree with, eating foods they don't like, etc.)
We're clearly getting to a concensus as to how a country should be run. Not completely by the left, and not completely by the right.
But a spate of hyperbole and typical disinformation later, I really have to laugh at your characterization of Fox News as a dissident channel. Say again? The voice of corporate America is the dissident voice?
Honest to god, Uff Da, you should think about some of the stuff you're typing to digital media.
If you're seriously thinking about voting for Michelle Bachman, you've either got a screw loose, or you've grown ostrich feathers. She's looney bins. And Palin is not a person most of the country would want anywwhere near a high office. Real learned, that one - in the George frickin' W. mould. Arrrghh!
Vote Ron Paul 2012! End the Fed!
Uh, yes, "dissenting" voices disagree with Those In Charge. In a left wing world, Fox and Rush would be shut down in a heart beat. The Left can harbor no dissent because dissenters are Evil (not completely Evil -- but almost. In any case, they are "horrible people" because they are wary of Power).
"In a left wing world, Fox and Rush would be shut down in a heart beat."
No, in the utopian left wing world it would shut itself down in a heart beat because there would be no market for such tripe.
It's utter rubbish, and I'd laugh at it had it not been for the fact that so many people actually take it seriously.
Yes, weird. The games I saw were an embarrassment to chess. Whatever was GK thinking to get involved?
"It's easy for Liberals to be "generous" with other people's money..."
Looks like you've fingered George Dubya as a Liberal maybe even a far lefty-liberal after all.
He inherited a budget surplus from Clinton and blew it to crazy deficit. Aha! you right-wingers are all just closet big-spending liberals when you get your hands on the piggy bank!!
And other people's money too, oh dear!!
The average tea party denizen (read middle to upper-class white person(s) masking a little racism and longing for that government hand-out as they age while decrying gov't spending) has no clue about the meaning of Libertarian.
They would have no part of it if they did. One only has to give it an hour of good consideration before throwing it out with Alan Greenspan and his failed Libertarian economic policies.
There are very good reasons for the idea never taking hold with more than a handful of deluded people.
I just want to point out that I'm not interested in any opinion on this but mine. It is most likely a waste of time to try and change someone's mind on these issues. All I indicate in my post is that from now on my money will go elsewhere than Kasparov. It is my choice. If you like him standing up for this organization then make your choice. I've made mine.
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This is such a good information to have "! One competitor, an FM no less, is coming all the way from Montreal for two blitz games against Kasparov he'll be able to tell his grandchildren about. The event takes place at the spectacular Collier Automotive Museum, which is usually closed to the public" more power...
This is absolutely disgusting. Kasparov is dead to me.This foundation is a far-right-wing front for millionaires trying to evade the responsibilities of American citizenship by harming the weakest among us.
Very interesting site! So great!
I'd say this post ranks right up there with some of best your best, dear writer! | | | |
This is such a good thing to know "! One competitor, an FM no less, is coming all the way from Montreal for two blitz games against Kasparov he'll be able to tell his grandchildren about. The event takes place at the spectacular Collier Automotive Museum, which is usually closed to the public" more power...
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This posting titled 'Your Last Shot at Kasparov' catches my attention. The event is to happen at the spectacular Collier Automotive Museum which is a wonderful location. I like knowing that Garry Kasparov, the biggest chess champion will play in a special setting of one of the world’s largest collection of automobiles. Wooden chess sets interest me a lot.
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This is such a great article to find out "Still one blitz spot left in Kasparov's exhibition in Naples, Florida, on Thursday! One competitor, an FM no less, is coming all the way from Montreal for two blitz games against Kasparov he'll be able to tell his grandchildren about." more power..
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I believe I read about Kasparov saying he supports Democrats on Social issues and Republicans on Fiscal issues.
I might be confusing him with someone else :)
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This is absolutely disgusting. Kasparov is dead to me. I will never purchase another thing associated with his name. This foundation is a far-right-wing front for millionaires trying to evade the responsibilities of American citizenship by harming the weakest among us. How can he oppose Putin and support people in America that are the same?
Chess is one form of board online game. lots of individuals now have left the conventional board online game. It's because they've online game in digital form.
Wow. Hard to believe Garry would lend his name to such a cause. Can't just be ignorance: some combination of greed and ego is more likely. My respect for GK just declined significantly.
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